Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Adam

That is the second day before Christmas. A-har-har!

So, what is Santa going to bring you all for Christmas this year? I'm not sure what I'm getting but hopefully I will be getting better. Actually, I have improved a bit since my last post, health wise. I'm still coughing all the time but I am less congested.

Today (Monday) marks my last nuepogen injection. My doctor felt that it was unnecessary after my last chemo to go through the round of five injections since there is not another treatment to get my blood counts up for. I won't miss the horrible bone pain or flu-like symptoms that those injections gave me. I am grateful, though, for the fact that the shots kept my white blood cells at a level where I could continue treatment.

It blows my mind at the tens of thousands of dollars that all of my treatments have cost. There's no way around the expense of cancer treatment like this. While I have had problems with bills and insurance I am indeed grateful that the bulk of the expenses have been covered. That does not mean that my bills have been light. I get into a panic every time the mail comes. I will make it through the financial stuff, eventually.

Right now I just want to have a Merry Christmas and feel better. I think that is not such an unreasonable request.


Karyn said...

It's not unreasonable at all. I'm hoping Santa and the cosmos recognize your inherent goodness and that you'll be feeling progressively better in short order. Mwah.

Me Myself and I said...

Well put my friend.

Be well.

Sun Follower said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS (card is in the mail)!

Trundling Grunt said...

Merry Christmas to you - hope the fat man brings you lots of goodies and rude health back.

Jules said...

Merry Merry Christmas, Sweetie... and loads of hugs and love comin' your way from your Piny GT, so watch out that it doesn't bowl you over!!

I'm glad to hear your congestion is lessening and that you are all done your injections. I'm thinking about you TONS AND TONS right now, hoping your wishes come true for the Holiday!!

Scary Monster said...

Stompy Christmas, me freind.
Hope alla ya dreams come true!

Scary Monster.

Me goin out to nibble onna reindeer, yeah!

The Grunt said...

Karyn~ Thanks, I hope I will get better. No, I know I will get better.

Celeste~ Being well is my goal.

Sun~ Awesome! I love your cards.

T-Grunt~ Good to see you around. I like the sound of rude health. I want some of that.

Jules~ I hope for more good for all of us.

Scary~ Reindeer sounds delicious!