Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Old pictures of scary dudes #1

I know who he is and I'm not going to tell! His nickname is "The Destroying Angel" and started up a death squad called "The Danites". He was born in Massachusetts and died an old man in Utah. I know where his grave is. Historians aren't sure how many people he has actually killed, but it is a lot, including one beheading in retribution. He was a U.S. Marshall, too. One of his most famous quotes was, "I never killed anyone who didn't need killing."


Anonymous said...

Rockwell looks like Santa as an older man. Isn't he cute? Kinda cuddly looking. Not. I guess they guarded Joseph real good, huh?

Did you ever read 'under the banner of heaven'? Very interesting mormon history.

Nessa said...

Every church seems to have a very violent contingent.

Nessa said...

I always wonder what it would be like to be so sure of yourself and your beliefs.

Jules said...

Wouldn't have wanted to come across him in a dark alley - although I'm sure I've never done anything bad enough to be on his hit list.

Logophile said...

I know who he is too.

Issy said...

Vengeful people are the best. They have such a drive and fire behind them that can't be stopped. I think that's why I gravitate towards idols like that. I can relate wholeheartedly. I don't think he's creepy or scary. He reminds me of my father in law. . . litteraly.

The Grunt said...

Cindra~ I am going to. I have heard good and bad things about it, depending on which side of my peeps I talk to. Having worked for polygamists, I've seen the residual zealot culture first hand, not that the main body does not have that, either--just better packaging, I suppose.

Nessa~ Yes, the unique thing about this one is that it is a relatively modern religion and better accounts of its history and impact are recorded as well as experienced. People just think that it is different in that respect because they are better able to find out about its origins. Oh, and when I was younger, I knew about your other question. Not now, though.

Jules~ Who's bad? Sorry for busting out a Michael Jackson line on you.

Logo~ Bad Santa, right?

Issy~ That's cool. I don't know if I would want to look that intense all the time, but it would be great if I could just call on it when needed.

Clearlykels said...

creepy mccreeperson!

Barbarian02003 said...


Keshi said...

He sounds like death himself. eeeeeee!


NYD said...

Thanks for the history lesson, Grunt. I also picked up a few facts about mushrooms too.

Christielli said...

Very scary looking.

Jules said...

It's definately his eyes, hey? Yikes!!

The Grunt said...

Kels~ Creepy McPerson seems to have a lot of relatives running around these days.

Barbarian~ You know, think of the stories that kind of grandpappie could tell? Not boring ones, that's for sure.

Keshi~ He felt he was fighting for good and was after the baddies. Kind of a coin toss when it comes to these Western gunslinger types.

NYD~ Mushrooms are fungi, and taste good too!

Christielli~ Yes, I am scared. Hold me!

Jules~ Where's your rubber ducky?

Chandra said...

First one looks like rob zombie

Chandra said...

p.s both could easily be hell's angels from canada