Sunday, March 01, 2009

The truth

Your heart either swells with joy or shrinks with pain. Your body either weakens or is carried by its virtue. Your mind is always enlightened no matter how hard the truth may be.

My heart is in pain. My body is weak. My mind expands now a bit further and I understand the nature of unconditional Love's duress on the one who takes upon him another's cross a bit more.

How can it be? It is the truth that hides behind self imposed blinds that hurts the most when revealed or discovered. Love allows you to express your disappointment and hurt without imposing further debt. This is the hardest exercise, yet the simplest path towards the fullness of joy. Our lusts dare reach such heights on wax wings. Withdraw not your hand when your pride fails you. Be there for those that you love, because, it may be you having to tell the hard truth about your imperfect self sometime.


Anonymous said...

Whoa... that's pretty deep for a Monday morning :)

Chris Wilson said...

Someone got a new perscription.

Jay Ferris said...

This is exactly why I just tell people what they want to hear.

Christielli said...

Very interesting post. Hope all is well with you.

The Grunt said...

Meggypoo~ That's because I wrote it Sunday night:D

Chris~ Nope. Still the same old narcotics.

Jay~ You are such a people pleaser.

Christielli~ I had to put these thoughts down or risk losing them to time. I am fine, personally. I am just experiencing something very vivid and heart wrenching because of someone very close to me going through extreme personal challenges.

Anonymous said...

sometimes all you can do it just that...
actually, that's pretty much all you can do... yep. that's all you can do.

Christielli said...

I hope that they are OK. They are lucky to have you.

Sun Follower said...

Wow. I... uh... Wow.

Jules said...

Well said, Grunty...