Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday Status

I feel about as worthless as tits on a boar hog today. Just thought I'd share that with you. Anybody else have a hard time sleeping?


The Grunt said...

Oh, waaaaaaah, you big plushy!

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling useless as well, but opposite on the slumber scale. I can barely stay away. And I think there is about 5 lbs. of concrete adhered to my skin. I need a scrub down like that Meryl Streep got in Silkwood. It's damn sexy.

The Grunt said...

I've seen that movie, and in a weird way it was sexy.

Maddie said...

I always have trouble sleeping.

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

I have trouble finding enough time within which to sleep. But last night I had a pretty neat dream about pursuing and catching a serial killer. Then I lost/contaminated some evidence and the killer was on the run. Damn me.

NYD said...

I sleep like a rock, just like the way my baby loves me, but last night I had a bad case of the heebeejeebies and didn't sleep worth a damn.

I am being haunted by strange energies and weird deja vu encounters.

I am hoping it has something to do with the moon.

If not then am in real trouble.

We are- "to be continued".

Karyn said...

I am having a hard time staying awake and functioning. Not the same - but still crappy. :( Feeling for you.

Karyn said...

I am having a hard time staying awake and functioning. Not the same - but still crappy. :( Feeling for you.

The Grunt said...

Pants~ I hear yah. The thing is that I will fall asleep during the day on a weekend when I am supposed to be having fun.

Julie~ That sounds like an awesome dream--even the part about screwing up is awesome!

NYD~ Yeah, the whole waiting game makes the brain go into high gear. When that happens to me I can kiss my sleep filled nights goodbye. here's to hoping we both can rest well soon.

Karyn~ Well, one begets another. Don't it suck?