Sunday, October 26, 2008

Vampira is the one for me

Maila Nurmi, aka. "Vampira" died in January of this year. I swear she had the smallest waist of any non-famine struck female in the entire world. She was the ultimate goth chick. Powerfully seductive and naughty in a way that would make any man, no matter how virtuous, try something kinky. Whatever it was that she had, it was powerful. Give it up for Vampira.


Tys on Ice said...

weird...last night i was watching this tim burton movie starring that guy who acted in that pirate movie ( damn, the name is gone...i can believe it) showed the life of Ed had vampira in it...


Scott said...

May her conical breasts stay in our hearts and minds forever.

Christielli said...

Wow. Look at her eyebrows.

Chris Wilson said...

She had to be the proto-type for Natasha in Bulwinkle and she was doing Morticia long before Carolyn Jones.

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

I was talking about Vampira with my table-mate at Zombie Fest, and how stupid people with no class confuse her with Elvira.

Keshi said...

Why do female vampires look sexy and the male ones look dorky?

Hows ya Grunty? :)


The Grunt said...

Tys~ I need to see that movie--the actor is Johnny Depp.

Scott~ I'm thinking that the next space shuttle's design should be based on her bewbs.

Christielli~ Yeah, eybrows:D

Chris~ You are correct! She was doing Addams Family stuff long before the TV show.

Julie~ Elvira is the trailer trash wannabe Vampira. There is no comparison. Elvira has no power that hypnotizes you other than having huge boobs that stop feeble minded men in their tracks.

Keshi~ Female vampires are sexy, but wasn't Brad Pitt a vampire once? Anyway, I'm doing alright. Getting my teeth drilled tomorrow!

Keshi said...

**but wasn't Brad Pitt a vampire once?

but I dun do!

hey all the best at the dentist!


Claire said...

Hotter than ScarJo!


Chandra said...

I always got mortica and vampira confused but they were both hot in a scary way.

Somehow that reminded me of my love for Harry from "Harry and the Hendersons"

Long live the 80's!

Sun Follower said...

Vampira was very cool indeed (RIP) but in So-Cal I grew up watching the ireverant Elvira - Mistress of the Dark.

The Grunt said...

Claire~ Scar Jo has gotten a bad rap. I mean, ignore the fact that she can't act or isn't that good looking, she did have indie cred with Ghost World.

Chandra~ I love Harry because I love Bigfoot. BTW, Vampira was the first live representation of Morticia outside of the original "Addams Family" comic strip. So, your suspicions were spot on. Image search Vampira on Google and you'll find her "Morticia" shots.

Sun~ I met Elvira at a car show once and I couldn't stop staring at her boobs. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't look at her face when she spoke to me. I was only sixteen.