Sunday, July 06, 2008


What else can I say? That is exactly how I feel right now. What does it mean? Who knows. Is it good or bad? I really can't tell.


Anybody else feeling this way too?


Outdoorsy Girl said...


(That's affirmative, Grunty)

Scott said...

When don't I feel hoiqweeeenkvdsaoiqfw;lkndask! that is the real question.

Diane Mandy said...

I feel ya!

The Grunt said...

I knew you all would.

Sun Follower said...

Yeah, honestly, I'm feeling more castilllioolinoonniish

Tys on Ice said...

:)....hey i think thts my uncle's name

NYD said...

I guess it depends on the time of day.

Have a nice fdsltkgujw bv!

Anonymous said...

hoiqweeeenkvdsaoiqfw;lkndask! is an understatement. I'm feeling that plus a thick undercoating of ksfj^&%@)&$@)(*!!!

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Stop making up words in a Doctor Suessish manner. Or it's the corner for you, palms up, an Oxford English Dictionary on each hand.

Logophile said...

oh for GHJOBHJU sake!
I should have known you'd be feeling that way too

The Grunt said...

Tys~ LOL!

NYD~ Hey man, back at ya!

Meggypoo~ Can you tell me, or is it a girl thing? Tee-hee-hee!

Julie~ I don't consider that punishment. It's normal to shudder when I say stuff like that.

Logo~ Because I haven't had my vitamin H in a long time.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can tell you. You bring the kleenex and booze, and I'll reveal all my secrets.

The Grunt said...

Sun~ I forgot you. How will you ever forgive me?

Meggypoo~ Maker's Mark ok with you?