Saturday, March 18, 2006

Sung to the tune of The Farmer and the Dale

My pants are falling down.
My pants are falling down.
Hi-ho the merry-o,
My pants are falling down.

The belt's moved in a notch.
The belt's moved in a notch.
Hey-ho all systems go,
The belt's moved in a notch.

Wearin' those old jeans again.
Wearin those old jeans again.
Oh the luck, I need to cluck,
Wearin' those old jeans again.


Anonymous said...

What's your secret?

The Grunt said...

I am pretty active to start. I just had to stop eating like a pig. I mean, 3000 calories or more per day was regular for me. That's what I used to need, but not now. It's just catching up to me, so it was a matter of tweaking the intake. Also, I am by no means one of those lucky bastards who has a metabolism that can burn up a millstone in a half-hour.

Paul of Dune said...

the song rocks