Saturday, January 22, 2011

My mom needs your prayers

Hey, I know that death and disease seems to be a common theme with me; I wish they weren't. But I need some favors from you...again. Whatever you got, send it out there to the heavens and ask God to help my mother. She has cancer again. This is the third time that she has had it. It is spreading fast and is in her lungs, liver, and some of her bones. She has a tumor at the base of her skull that has caused significant damage to the point where she is unable to talk or eat properly. To be honest, I think this is it. My family and I are still waiting to find out if her doctors will be able to contain the cancer and give her some more time. If they can't, it looks like this thing will be taking over fairly soon. I just would like to see her enjoy her grandchildren and the great grandchildren some more.

I have to see my losing a good portion of my hours at work as a blessing of sorts. I will be able to spend more time and care for my mom. My emotions are all over the place this week. What can I say? When it rains it friggin' deluges.

Uncle already!


Christielli said...

Hey Grunt,

I'm really sorry to hear about your mom, and trust that she, you, and the rest of your family will be in my prayers.

You are right that fewer hours at work may have turned out to be a blessing. I hope you can spend lots of time with your mom. I'm sure that she's a wonderful lady and so lucky to have you as a son.

Take care.

Megan said...

I spoke my friend's husband last night... she was diagnosed with AML last month, and talking about the "blessings in disguise", but after trying to see the upside, we both agreed that there is nothing good about cancer. I'm so sorry that your mom is having to deal with this for the 3rd time. I think you and your family should get a free pass for awhile, but I guess my opinion doesn't matter. I'm sending all of my good thoughts your/her way!

rawbean said...

Okay now I'm getting really angry - you do not deserve this, I mean no one does, but especially you.

I'm not a religious person but I do believe in good thoughts and vibes and I will be sending everything I can your way.

jason said...

Dear Grunt,

It makes me sad to hear you and your family have had to go through these situations more than once. The curse of living is sometimes it can be great, and sometimes, not so much. The best we can do sometimes, is just enjoy each other's company for the time we're around. I will keep you and your loved ones in my prayers, and hope that you all find peace in whatever happens.

With all the positive vibes I can send out,

Anonymous said...

Fantastic article with plenty of excellent content material! I reckon that you're on the right way. All the best

Jay Ferris said...

Sending 817TB worth of good thoughts in your direction. Hang in there man!

Unknown said...


I love my Aunt and was saddened to hear the news. Know that we are all sending our love and prayers her way and yours.

I don't know if your blog is the best way to communicate but feel free to send an email or call if you need anything or just a sounding board. brett (dot) merritt (at)

Love you, man.

The Grunt said...

Thanks everyone!

Jules said...

Ohhh Grunty... I've watched wo many people deteriorate fast from this disease... I will pray that your mom stays comfortable and has some more happy moments in her life. I will pray for strength for you and your family to see this through.

Neverending hugs for you, Precious.

Love Jules