Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hobot 6000

Is it a robot prostitute or a cyber hobo? You decide!

Yeah, it has been kind of a blah week. I had to write something silly to cheer me up; it worked.


Christielli said...

I think I like the idea of a cyber hobo as long as he has a hobo stick with all his belongings attached to it in a scarf. You know what I'm talking about.

Nessa Locke said...

I live among pervs. Gotta go for the Ho.

Tys on Ice said...

Hobot it is. What wud u call the men who will use their services? Screw drivers?

The Grunt said...

I am thinking that if it is going to be a cyber hobo, then I need to add a bit to the title: hobobot.

Christielli~ You are talking about a bindle!

Nessa Roo~ I see from your blog info that you live in Texas. Now I know where all the pervs go.

Tys~ I like it! And the Hobots will do their best not to make fun of a person with a 3 1/2" floppy disk.

Jules said...

I don't think i'd want to actually have sex with a robot... so I'm going with cyber hobo. Seems better somehow.....