Tuesday, April 05, 2011

John Wayne Frankenstein

I was watching The Searchers the other day and a thought came to my mind: John Wayne would have been a great Frankenstein. Think about it, he's got the funny walk and makes lots of strange noises around women and fire (I think)--he's tall, too. Does anybody feel me on this?


Claire said...

He could have rocked it. Good call.


Christielli said...

I have never seen a John Wayne movie, so I'm afraid I can't give an opinion.

Jules said...

Nope, he's too pretty.. specially in that photo...

rawbean said...

What's this now?

Tys on Ice said...

no way, frankenstien monster is by far cooler. I used to cut my hair like that when i was a kid. He was my role model. Serious. Fuck, i need help

The Grunt said...

Claire~ Totally! I think he brings in a certain maverick quality to the character.

Christielli~ Well, I have always been a Clint Eastwood fan. John Wayne just makes me giggle, but I am more familiar with his persona than his work.

Jules~ Pretty? For realsies? Gosh, I need to start wearing a cowboy hat and making strange man noises.

Rawbean~ The next big thing. Trust me.

Tys~ Is there a Bollywood version of Frankenstein? If not, you should do it!

tys said...

bolly wood doesnt need a frankenstien. Theres enuf horror there without it.