Monday, May 10, 2010

Escape from uterus anniversary day

It was the celebration of my triumphant breakout from my mother's womb on Saturday. Yes, this is further proof that I am hopelessly weird. I can't say that I did anything particularly exciting for my birthday. I did find a cool new Mexican joint. I saw Iron Man 2: Electric Bugaloo. I went to my favorite vinyl shop and picked up a set of J.S. Bach's complete Brandenburg Concertos. The set is an original pressing from the early sixties--mucho grams and high fidelity. The set lists for $150 but I got it for $30. Classical music usually gets over looked and, therefore, sits on the shelf longer. You can find these gems heavily discounted--if you are into that sort of thing.

I did get a lot of happy birthday wishes from my facebook buddies. I guess that counts for something. The depression was mitigated, at least. I bring about a lot of my own loneliness. This is behavior that I picked up from my dad. The times when I need people the most is when I typically run and hide. It doesn't make much sense. I get this sensory overload and as hard as being solitary can be at times, it can be calming too. I think I made this sound bad. I'm just trying to do an honest post here. Well, I'm not always like this, just so you know. Spending time in my dark cave and shouting at the walls is only fun for so long.


Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Happy Belated Birthday. Saturday was my sister's birthday, too. Glad you escaped from the womb and made some great purchases. I am still looking for a record player. I looked and looked at the big flea market in the fairgrounds this weekend, but you just don't see them as much anymore. The one that was there was way too much of a fixer upper for me.

Christielli said...

I totally completely and utterly suck for not wishing you happy birthday yesterday, but here it is: happy belated birthday! Better late than never. Heck, I just got *my* bday present from the kids in student council on Friday, and my birthday is in February so at least I'm not as bad as they are.

Anyway, I like the sounds of your day: you did a lot of low key but fun stuff and those records sound like a steal!

Enjoy your next year!

vera said...

Happy Birthday Grunto! I am not on facecrack but if I was, I would have wished you a happy birthday there and threw some internet livestock at you or built you a farm or something...
You're still super sexy! Keep on rockin' like the Grunt only knows how...

-jason- said...

hello, i've read your blog from time to time but i may not have ever commented. firstly i'd like to wish you a happy birthday. secondly, i was drawn to this post because you picked up some js bach. do you have a fav of the brandenburgs? do you generally like bach? i find if i'm in the mood for something sparse i like to listen to bach. i think i appreciate bach more when playing his pieces, as it feels a little naked compared to someone like beethoveen, mahler, etc. if that makes any sense. i guess it just means that any errors are easily detected when playing his pieces.

The Grunt said...

Julie~ That's cool that your sister and I share the same birthday. Finding a good record player at a decent price is getting harder to do. Good luck!

Christielli~ You never suck, unless you are vacuuming. Thanks for the birthday wishes and keep being awesome!

Vera~ I wish that Facebook never existed and that my friends would just actually call me or do something real with me. Thanks for thinking that I am sexy. I don't always feel that way.

Jason~ Welcome! I take it that you are a musician. Cool! I used to play the trombone in secondary school, but haven't kept that up. I've always had an appreciation for classical and baroque music. This is what I like about J.S. Bach: He had great hair. Seriously, the 5th Brandenburg concerto is my favorite. Why? because I like keys. Also, I hear this piece a bit in one of my favorite Beatles tunes, "In My Life". I can't comment on playing Bach, though. Maybe we can talk some about Ace Frehley:D

Jules said...

Well, I was one of those FB Buddies, but i'll wish it in here too, Happy Birthday!

Solitude can be a very rewarding thing, but you should always have one special person to talk to when the going gets tough and things look a bit black.

Of course, if certain things (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)are turning black, you may want to see a Doctor for that...

Chandra said...

"I bring about a lot of my own loneliness. This is behavior that I picked up from my dad. The times when I need people the most is when I typically run and hide. It doesn't make much sense. I get this sensory overload and as hard as being solitary can be at times, it can be calming too. I think I made this sound bad."

I can TOTALLY relate to all of this right now. Thus why I a douche and haven't been around lately. It's nice to know that no matter where you are, status, job, there could be someone else feeling similiar in the world.Is it just me or does it feel like the people online sometimes feel more "real" and honest than those around you?

Ok I sound like a moron, I will shut up now.

The Grunt said...

Jules~ That part of me is not in jeopardy, thank goodness.

Chandra~ I get where you are coming from.

-jason- said...

i would talk about ace frehley, but i don't have much to say about him cause i don't think i really listen to any of his stuff or associated acts. i will agree that js bach had some neat hair/wig, i don't think i've seen him without a wig though. i still kind of prefer beethoveen's hair, it was more crazy looking.

you like the keys in #5? i'm assuming you're talking about the harpsichord?

Tys on Ice said...

happy belated birthday grunt.

The Grunt said...

Jason~ Yes, you are right in your assumption. But I've heard the piano substituted in there as well and it sounds right on. Wendy (Walter) Carlos' analog synth take on Bach is fun as well. As for Ace Frehley, I just admire the man for being able to play simple guitar solos, while wearing huge platform boots and being totally shit-faced the whole time.

Tys~ Thanks, dude!