Monday, July 01, 2013

Oh Canada!

They say a prophet is never appreciated in his homeland.  Well, I'm no prophet, but there's a lot of people in my homeland that don't particularly think I'm all that.  I sense it may have something to do with my choice of antiperspirant.  Anyway, those of you who can't smell what I'm cooking have got to know me through words.  The great thing about words is that you can say whatever crazy shit you want, not that I do that. 

Well, the point of this post is to honour (eh, check out the spelling ya hosers) my Canadian friends on Canada Day.  My dream to celebrate Canada Day was to have Gordon Lightfoot and Rush do a concert together, Joni Mitchell jumping out of a cake at the climax, with Neil Young standing on the side of the stage scowling in disapproval.  This is my case for why I should win the PCH superprize, so I can make stuff like this happen.

I think I lost the post there.  Okay, my point was that Canadians seem to like me.  You know what? I don't just like my Canadians, I loves them!  So here's to all of you Canadians that keep me in business.  What? I don't get paid to blog???  Well, fuck this then.



Christielli said...

Yah, Canadians DO think you're cool!

Thanks for the wishes. Happy July 4th in a few days. :)

The Grunt said...

And the best part about it, Christi, is that you proved to me that Canadians are real and not mythical creatures from the North.

Sun Follower said...

have not been on blogger for AGES... glad you're still here!

Jules said...

HAHA! Thanks, Grunty! Love to you too!

Happy Independence Day.. 1.75 hours early...

vera said...

awww, thanks grunto.
happy US day to you (slightly late, i apologize)...
<3 v

Logophile said...

Those Canadians are pretty great and I am an American who thinks you are pretty great too.