Tuesday, August 03, 2010

I'm infected with robots


Christielli said...

I have photos of Rilo where her eyes look like that too. I find that using my iPhone to take pet pictures in good lighting eliminates robot eyes.

Jules said...

LOL.. is that your dog, Grunty?

The Grunt said...

Christielli~ But robot eyes rule.

Jules~ No, but I chose that pic because it reminded me of the Shetland sheepdogs that I had as a boy. They are a fun, energetic breed.

Ching-Chong~ You love me long time?

Queue_t said...

our poor boys ( being old dogs) have the milky eyes and they look just like this in photos. LOL

hope all is well in Gunty's world. I have been awol for a while but have vowed to begin posting again regularly


The Grunt said...

All is very busy in Grunty's world right now, QT. I am glad to see that you are blogging again.